Wednesday, April 13, 2011


" Patience is a virtue" ...    Family matters had  heralded me away earlier this month  ..but I'm back ... The kettle is on and the dainties are being baked. While we're waiting for teatime,  how about taking a peek into " The Girls' Own Paper" from 1894.

 It's entitled , Girls Attire; The Newest and Best... By the Lady Dressmaker... All the young ladies and woman of the era would be sure to have one of these beautiful summer capes and  lace -trimmed bodices.... although I do believe it would be a hot  sizzling summer with all that layering!!! Don't You !!!


Sandra Foster said...

Hello friend. I'm assuming you are okay! I love the top image. Can I download a copy of it? Sandra

Zaa said...

Thanks You Sandra...Of course you can copy it, my friend..So nice to hear from you... HUGS

Sandra Foster said...

Thanks so much - greatly appreciated. Sandra