I've been pondering Spring for months and now as the crocus' and tulips bloom I am reminded of the rejuvenating beauty of nature and life.
The past two weeks have been an intense time for thankfulness and prayers as my son struggles to recuperate from an unknown malady. Internet time has been sparse. My teatime had fluttered into the hospital ambience of a paper cup filled with prayers.
time did not allow for teatime.
It seems that the ebbs and ever-changing ripples that surround this cup are relating a riveting story that has currently journeyed into a dignified place," Smack ' into the centre of the saucer like a " Family Gathering ".
I am taking that as a symbol of " stability " for my son, Garrett, who is now home from the hospital.
I remember that this tea set was a query to me, as I vacillated back and forth while choosing it. At first, I thought that it was too white. Later, I concluded that it was too plain, even though it had all those plaited layers moving around the china.
Now I understand that these rippled layers might be quite significant in the way we move through life's unexpected corridors.
There are lots of bumps along the way!!!
Artisan's put their heart and soul into their creative endeavours. Often while sipping our tea and admiring the porcelain, we forget that these lovely vessels have been created by a talented and sometimes, forgotten artisan. Is it possible that we are taking our tea sets for granted?
This particular design is smitten with what I think are lupines. It is very ethereal and pretty... Of course, my imagination reads six journeys according to the six corners and shape of the saucer.
( Ha Ha) ... A creative mind is always searching out of the box into unknown realms, like an alchemist looking for gold.

As we move into the peaceful rejuvenation of Springtime
I am reminded of this beautiful poem.
Written By: Emily Dickinson
A Light exists in Spring
Not present on the Year
At any other period-
When March is scarcely here.
A Color stands abroad
On Solidary Fields
That Science cannot overtake
But Human Nature feels.
It waits upon the Lawn
It shows the furthest Tree
Upon the furthest Slope you know
It almost speaks to you.
Then as Horizons step
Or Noons report away
Without the Formula of Sound
It passes and we stay-
A Quality of loss
Affecting our Content
As Trade had suddenly encroached
Upon a Sacrament.
LADIES .....
I was so happy to chat with you all today.
My teatime chats may vary a little this month.
I am hopeful that life will resume it's normal pattern soon.
( Ha Ha) ... A creative mind is always searching out of the box into unknown realms, like an alchemist looking for gold.
My Irish Granny used to read tea leaves and sometimes my mind defaults to her folklore ways.
For instance, in the round saucer edges, I foresee, like a tea reader, that there is a connection and a resolution to each of these six journeys. The folklore of Japan says that the journeys would pertain to the owner of the china...That's me !!! and perhaps my family members.
So the next time you look at your cups and saucers, remember that there may be a
"fortune telling"
in your tea set pattern. ( hee hee)
Have you looked into your tea cupboard lately? I bet you would find that you have a" Foley " tea set... Take a peek... Did you find one? Foley is a well know English pottery that has been around for quite a while ... The pieces are often very unassuming bits of china that hide in corners awaiting a grand tea party.
I found mine at the Hospital Hospice shop for the most reasonable price of $10.00 each.
They were small, dainty little girls rattling on the shelves, like impish fairies saying "pick me, pick me and me". Infact, they did everything except stand on their heads, as I came back to them three times ... Meant to be !!!
As a result ladies, we can enjoy two or more cups of tea today.
Sounds good !!!
As we move into the peaceful rejuvenation of Springtime
I am reminded of this beautiful poem.
Written By: Emily Dickinson
A Light exists in Spring
Not present on the Year
At any other period-
When March is scarcely here.
A Color stands abroad
On Solidary Fields
That Science cannot overtake
But Human Nature feels.
It waits upon the Lawn
It shows the furthest Tree
Upon the furthest Slope you know
It almost speaks to you.
Then as Horizons step
Or Noons report away
Without the Formula of Sound
It passes and we stay-
A Quality of loss
Affecting our Content
As Trade had suddenly encroached
Upon a Sacrament.
LADIES .....
I was so happy to chat with you all today.
My teatime chats may vary a little this month.
I am hopeful that life will resume it's normal pattern soon.
Hi Zaa lovely post love those tea cups and saucers and i am so glad your son is ok and out of hospital,sending you a big hug my friend xx
Beautiful cups and saucers. Hope your son continues to do well and stays well.
I will keep your son in my prayers. I hope he continues to improve and understand what is wrong. It always worries us....I have 4 sons so I know! Lots of hugs to you sweet friend. I love this pretty tea cup and the Hospice thrift stores! Hugs, Diane
Love the cups and saucers. Beautiful. Oh I do pray your son heals completely dear lady. Hugs and blessings, Cindy
So sorry that you had to travel so far, to help your sick son. An unknown illness is the worst. Certainly hope, that since he is home, he is getting better. With luck, his body has fought off whatever unknown illness he had, and now just needs to rest.
Many gentle hugs, to you....
A 'Nana' in the NE of the US
Oh my, I was so sorry to hear about your son's unknown illness, but so glad to hear that he is home and recovering. Yes, our lives surely do have ups and downs around the curves and bends in the roads. What beautiful teacups you found at the Hospice Center. No, unfortunately, I do not have any Foley teacups, but I always admire them when others' share them. Prayers will be said for your dear son. Love and hugs are sent to you......
oh, Zaa, I am so happy to hear that your son is back home recovering and I will pray for his continued health. Such a worry for you with him so far away, but your love transcends the distance between you. I so love your analogy of the rippled tea-cup - so lovely and so true. My Scots/Irish Grandmother read tea-leaves, too. I wish I had paid attention to how she did it! Such a lovely post, as always, and especially so to hear that your son is on the mend. Sending hugs xo Karen
Hi dear Zaa!I am glad your son is getting better!The teacup is gorgeous and the sweet figurine is just adorable,what a great collection!Love the african violet too.Blessings,Maristella.
Dearest Zaa, is there anything worse than when our children are ill? I'm so glad you were able to be at his side and now that he is home that sounds very good! Your post is so heartfelt with love about your recent ups and downs. I do not own any Foley china, but always enjoy seeing it in my friend's homes. I will be praying that your son continues to get better and his good health is restored. Love to you, sweet friend. xo ♥
So glad to hear that your son is on the mend.
I have a Foley teacup in my cupboard! I always thought that teacups and teapots are functional works of arts...at least that's how I justify my growing collection. HA!
I went to a tea leaf reading once and was informed that I would "make lots of money" 7 years ago and I'm still working...
So sorry to read that your son has not been well, sending healing thoughts for him.
I did enjoy your post and the poem from Emily Dickinson.
My good wishes
All the best Jan
Oh Zaa, I'm so relieved your son is out of the hospital and sorry to hear he had to deal with that in the first place. Now you will be sending me to my cupboard. I do love that style with the ridges and texture and the whole idea of the journey. And yes, definitely lupines! Take care.
Thanks for the sweet visit Shez ..I'm here in the land down under so will be visiting your blog soon....Hugs
Hey Mama Mercantile ..I enjoyed visiting you and the sheep today ...Thanks for stopping over...Hugs
Hey Diane ...Your comments are so very much appreciated...I'm still reciting the ' Litttle Miss Muffett" rhyme after reading your post ( ha Ha) ... Enjoy your day, my Friend...Hugs
Thanks for your kind visit Cindy ...Hugs
Hi Luna ... Your kind words and thoughts are so welcome... Please do enjoy a beautiful day, sweet friend...Hugs
Hey Kitty ..." No ' Foley" cup ... I'm amazed as they are so plentiful here in Canada... Well, I'll have to send you one, my Friend... Thank you for your Well Wishes ... Things do seem to be settling ... ENJOY your day lovely lady....xoxox
Thank You for your sweet visit Beatrice... I so enjoyed your beautifiul post today ...and taken the time to dream of my ' Happy Place " as you suggested in your post.... Big Hugs
Thanks Maristella.. SO glad that you like the violets... They are such pretty little flowers, but often need care .... You always post such lovely plants with your teatime china .... I look forward to visiting you again soon Dear lady...xoxox
Prayers are so WELCOMED Martha Ellen ... Thankfully, Garrett seems to be recouperating...but we still have no concrete answers... Children are definately a worry at any age....You are the second person that said they didn't have a ' Foley" cup ... In Canada. they are second in popularity to Royal Albert in popularity .. so I m surprised ( ha ha) ... Thanks for your sweet visit...HUgs
Thanks for the visit Margie... I'm smiling because I agree finding the " Foley " is a great excuse for your every growing collection
( Ha Ha) I think we've given Starbucks our money( Hee hee) ...Have a fabulous day ...Hugs
Thanks for your sweet visit Jan... Have a super day, my Friend...Hugs
Thanks Jeanie... So happy for your kind visit and well wishes... Hope that you have a HAPPY week-end...Hugs
Zaa, So glad that your son is home from the hospital and that his healing will continue. Your tea cups are beautiful. I love the figurine, for her colors and the way you have chosen to photograph her. Thank you for your visit to me and your sweet words..Happy Weekend..Judy
Thanks for your kind thoughts Judy ... It's always a pleasure to have a visit with you..Enjoy your day, Lovely Lady..Hugs
Hello Zaa, I'm glad your son is home from the hospital. Will continue to pray for him and family. The pictures of your tea cup is really pretty along with the figurine. What a lovely and comforting sight to the eyes.
It was really wonderful of your visit and comment on my blog. Thank you!
Hugs and prayers,
Ping xo
A lovely post, and a lovely tea cup. Glad to hear that your son is out of the hospital. I’m sure that weighed quite heavily on your mind. Time for you to relax, and enjoy a cup of healing tea.
Hey Ping ..I'm always happy to visit you ... Thanks for your well wishes..Hugs
Right Pattie ... Thanks for the sweet visit... I'm enjoying a nice ginger lime tea today ...Hugs
Thank you so much for your visit, Zaa. I'm glad you enjoyed it..Happy Wednesday..Judy
Hi there :)
I'm so happy for you that your son is out of the hospital. Lovely teacup too!
Thank you so much for your sweet words on my post about Fred and Pearl.
Cudowny komplecik taki delikatny. Dużo zdrowia dla Twojego syna .Pozdrawiam serdecznie. Dziękuję za odwiedziny na moim blogu .
Thanks Judy ..So happy to chat with you Dear lady.
Thank You Rue ...I enjoyed your post... and please do visit again soon...Hugs
Thanks for your kind visit P...I look forward to chatting again soon.
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