Sunday, May 1, 2011


IT'S MAY ..It's May the lusty month of May ....I'm forever singing this song from the musical " Camelot "... especially since the nice  weather has arrived... I want to throw open the windows, breath in the spring air and  enjoy my music room... The picture above is my " Maytime  vision" .... A perfect  time shift into an earlier seeming perfect era.....

 Well... " in my dreams" ... because this is what I really  have... Yes,  alas ... the house is  still a mess.  It is a crushing blow to the singing heart  !!!!

Never fear....  Patience is a virtue ( True) ...The Ceiling expert has put a whole new dawn into my day by plastering the ceilings and walls. ( Doesn't take much to keep me happy)   Next  are the  moldings, now won't that be exciting... 

Tra-La ... It is time for singing the laurels of May ...Won't you join me !!!!! ...  and ... I still have HOPE for a Camelot and a nice cup of tea !!!!


Anonymous said...

I am a little late on this post but your house looks like a lovely old grand lady! She is going to be fabulous once she is finished...ha ha ha (they are never finished). I do so love all that lovely woodwork, any drool you find on the railing is my fault, please excuse LOL
Have a fabulous weekend,
Beth P

Zaa said...

Ha Ha ..Thanks Beth...The grand lady is so happy that you approve... She's been saddly neglected over the years and now accepts all and every compliment with full vanity ( hee hee>>>>Hugs To You, my Friend.

Mary said...

What a beautiful staircase. The old homes had such beautiful wood with all the intricate carving. I am looking forward to seeing more of your grand lady.