Tick tock, tick, tick... From the sounds of the clock ... It's Teatime Tuesday ... Unfortunately, I'm under the weather but I have a whole Wonderland menagerie to greet you.
I think this shall be a teatime from afar, where the sweet aroma of camomile, jasmine or just about any tea you can imagine will waft up from my blog to your olfactory nerve... take a whiff !!!
Sweet honey tea on the throat feels good and oh what lovely flowers have been presented to me by my hubby , who's feeling rather sorry that I'm in such a sniffling state...ACHOO !!! Flowers always make me feel better and so does a pretty cup.
Kim very kindly brought me a bouquet of tea in this handpainted lusterware teaset, which looks to be in exceptional vintage shape.
Each and every little age spot on this saucer begs to tells a story ... a teatime story, maybe about someone who loved this little cup so much, that they used it every day.... Or maybe, it's the tale about a poor old soul, who had only one cup for tea and one milk saucer to share with her cat during teatime ... or perhaps, the teaset belonged to a fairy princess, who was locked up in a high , high tower by her wicked step-mother. ( HA HA) ....

Please do forgive my ramblings... but alas I've been drinking from Alices bottles ... When you're sick everything has a magical presence .
"Tsk Tsk", the flowers disagree , they say that this teaset has been skillfully designed with pottery tools to create warm rippling effect around the bowl of the cup, not to mention the handpainted, posies and high lustre that is reminiscent of Japanese Lusterware.... I think they're right !!! Don't you ?
The floral group has ordered me to take my pills and finish my tea....(sip sip) ... and get back to bed. Boy oh boy, flowers can be bossy !!!
OK, so in my teatime meanderings today, it is probably best to just agree with the flowers and enjoy our rather short teatime chat. We can always catch up next week !!!!
Sharing teatime with:
sandi .... (http;//sandimyyellowdoor.blogspot.ca)
terri .......(http://artfulaffirmations.blogspot.com)